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A device that transmits pain and other sensations in virtual reality, developed in Russia

The device, which allows you to feel touch, blows, tickles in virtual reality (VR), appeared thanks to Russian developers. The technology will gain popularity in online games, especially "adventure" and "shooters". With pain, the game will become even more realistic. The device was developed at Tomsk State University (TSU), according to TASS. At the same time, a link is provided to the press service of the educational institution.
A device that transmits pain and other sensations in virtual reality, developed in Russia

It is reported that at the moment the device for use in virtual reality is being finalized so that the user experiences the illusion of movement to the fullest. Even minor light touches will be felt: a mosquito sat on the skin, drawings on the body are created.

The basis of the new device, developed in Tomsk, provides for the technology of electrical stimulation, which allows you to receive "feedback" in VR. Only the skin can feel the effects, not the muscles. The creator of the project Andrey Kostorny reports that the innovative device will act exclusively on a specific skin area. Since people have different electrocutaneous resistance, you can not do without individual settings.
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Refinement of the device will occur so that the player interacts with the characters and objects around them with greater intensity. For example, it may involve touching another person's palm, which is necessary in many games.

Prior to this, it was reported about the development by scientists from Russia of an apparatus for disinfecting air. The device, which is a climate technology and a UV lamp at the same time, contributes to the destruction of DNA and RNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are in the air.

The national project "Science", implemented in Russia by 2024, allows to increase the number of developments and patents for various inventions in the country. Over 625 billion rubles are provided for implementation. In Russia, it is proposed to create 15 different centers for education and science. It is planned to use scientific installations that have a class of "megascience". A system for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel will be formed. All this will significantly improve the level of science in the country..
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