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Sony PlayStation 5 will be released at once in all markets

The closure of the annual well-known among gamers exhibition E3 2021 forced developers to urgently postpone the release of their projects. Sony corporation and Microsoft had to make changes to their announcement schedules on the account of game consoles.
Sony PlayStation 5 will be released at once in all markets

Game industry analyst Daniel Ahmad (consulting firm "Niko Partners") has previously predicted the imminent appearance of the Sony PlayStation 5. Recently, his prediction was confirmed by a hidden authoritative source, writes Video Games Chronicles. Sony Corporation wants to launch an advertising campaign for the fifth game console in May. And its sales will start at the end of 2021.
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It is known that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there may be a shortage of consoles in the market. In the leaked information it is reported that the developer of the console is not going to postpone the date of the start of sales to the next year.
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It is also planned to open sales markets simultaneously on all continents. For example: the 4th console was first available to citizens of the States, and then to European and Asian buyers. With the new PlayStation 5, everything will be different - anyone can buy it at least from the first day of the announcement of sales, regardless of the country of residence. It is predicted that the console will cost about half a thousand US dollars for buyers from the United States. How much the price of the console will be for other markets is anyone's guess.
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