whites dfx reviews

 Earning international acclaim and confidence even at the beginning of the last century, today metal detectors are being used worldwide in various spheres of society. They are used at airports and train stations to detect weapons and explosives, in geology and archaeology for the detection of metal objects in the ground, as well as an interesting and exciting finding treasures-treasure search.

whites dfx reviews

ting and exciting finding treasures-treasure search. Metal detectors were widespread in Ukraine.

Professional device Whites Spectrum DFX, suitable for various tasks-search for coins, relics, jewellery, hoards and exploration. Spectrum DFX is an upgraded version of the device’s popularity winning Spectrum XLT.

whites dfx reviews

Earning international acclaim and confidence even at the beginning of the last century, today metal detectors are being used worldwide in various spheres of society. They are used at airports and train stations to detect weapons and explosives, in geology and archaeology for the detection of metal objects in the ground, as well as an interes

Whites DFX 300 Metal detector -two frequency detector, released in the footprint for the legendary model Whites Spectrum XLT, executed in the same form factor. While outwardly very similar devices inside the FARMS is completely different. DFX 300 of difference-a new enhanced Super coil 12 “(30 cm). The main DFX works can work as a search on two frequencies, and one any frequency (3 kHz or 15 kHz). 3 kHz for searching large objects and 15 kHz is best used for small targets with low conductivity. DFX device class for beginners which are not afraid of harnessing instructions.

The detector has a built-in program under any search terms, and the ability to configure the appliance yourself, given the great variety of possible options for the adjustment (44 different tinctures).

The most complex of metal detectors produced by firm “microprocessor device search programme, the menu structure and readout similar to the Spectrum XLT. Distinguished by the presence of two operating frequencies emitted separately or simultaneously. The composition of the professional settings entered management and analysis of information on two frequencies, as well as the management of ground clutter filtering and exceptions of hot stones.

The appliance has 5 embedded search programs: «coins», «coins/jewelry», «jewelry/Beach», «relics», «gold» and 4 user programs with factory presets. Information is displayed on the LCD screen of the increased format with lighting. The discrimination range is divided into 190 segments being controlled independently. For each object, a rectangular diagram, the object index and a conventional symbol of the object for exact identification of the hidden object, as well as depth and precise detection. When working with two frequencies of modes with an analysis of the response from the object at least at one frequency (the greatest detection depth) or necessarily on two frequencies (best object recognition).

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