Maintenance and  repair videos

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Maintenance and repair of a complex of technological operations and organizational actions to maintain the operability or serviceability of the object when it is used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation.

Maintenance is a complex of organizational and technical measures and works performed at the facility and aimed at maintaining the equipment (software) of technical systems in working or working order in the process of their use for their intended purpose in order to increase the reliability and efficiency of their work.
Can you fix your broken phone screen yourself with toothpaste?

How to become a professional maintenance technician for mobile devices

electric floor heating installation
electric floor heating installation

Installation of electric underfloor heating. Installation of electric infrared film underfloor heating After a preliminary acquaintance with the variety of electric underfloor heating. The principle of operation, the comparative characteristics of electric underfloor heating. Stages of installation of cable, cable on the base, infrared underfloor heating.
heating installation in tracy
heating installation in tracy

What is a heating installation? A heating installation is a steam or hot water heating system that serves a number of remote ones. The EEC electric heating unit is designed for use in air heating systems and ventilation of agricultural premises.
heating installation tracy
heating installation tracy

The heating unit is a heat exchanger, inside which the combustion process of diesel fuel or gasoline takes place. The EEC electric heating unit is designed for use in air heating systems and ventilation of agricultural premises..
The newest iPhone will inherit the appearance from the iPad
In the autumn, 4 newest models of phones from Apple will be released. Bloomberg reports that the new flagship iPhone 12 will have less rounded corners,.
Xiaomi has started selling an inexpensive washing robot vacuum cleaner
Xiaomi has created a new robot vacuum cleaner. The model, called mijia Sweeping Robot G1, has built-in triple filters and 4 suction units..
Budget smartphones will be able to charge in fifteen minutes to half
Qualcomm has offered another product - Quick Charge 3 +, designed so that smartphones can quickly replenish the charge to the middle in just a quarter of an hour.
Xiaomi Released Inexpensive Mi 10 Edicion
The other day, the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi introduced a new camera phone XiaomiMi 10 YouthEdition, the price of which is planned to be quite budgetary..
Nokia will bring back to life classic mobile phones
The Finnish company Nokia plans to bring back to life two models of push-button phones. As Roland Quandt said on Twitter, one of the devices will be a restored and slightly upgraded version of the phone in 2017.
Samsung is developing a photo sensor for 600 megapixels
Samsung Corporation is preparing to develop a camera with a resolution of 600 megapixels. The detail will be even higher than what human vision is capable of. .
A device that transmits pain and other sensations in virtual reality, developed in Russia
The device, which allows you to feel touch, blows, tickles in virtual reality (VR), appeared thanks to Russian developers. The technology will gain popularity in online games,.
Samsung has shown the capabilities of the 5G network
Samsung Corporation announced the achievement of the highest performance of data transmission in 5G networks..
Sony PlayStation 5 will be released at once in all markets
The closure of the annual well-known among gamers exhibition E3 2021 forced developers to urgently postpone the release of their projects. .
Developed an ultra-thin battery for "smart" watches, which can be charged from the sun for up to two years
A battery up to 1 mm thick will be able to generate energy for a smart watch for about two years. Scientists are going to use it in medical gadgets that measure the number of contractions of the heart muscle per minute..
The United States promises a monetary reward for hacking a military satellite
American specialists in the field of programming are given the opportunity to earn a considerable amount of money for activities that in other cases would be criminally punishable..
The company "Yandex" has created a platform for smart TVs
Recently, the media reported that TNK Yandex has developed a multimedia platform for smart TV..
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