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video on how to make liquid soap at home

Liquid soap with your own hands can be prepared in different ways. For example, from an ordinary lump remedy or from washes. This cooking option is more economical, since a homemade remedy from residues and pieces will entail a minimum of costs. Small pieces can be broken with your hands, and larger washes must be rubbed on a regular grater.

In case you do not have soap residues, a liquid product can be prepared from a whole solid piece. A lot of people are wondering how to make soap on their own. A large number of homemade soap recipes from a ready-made soap base will come to the rescue. It can be purchased at a specialized store, it will be a base to which you need to add all the necessary ingredients to get a handmade detergent gel.   
video on how to make liquid soap at home

Potassium soap is called so because it is made on the basis of potassium hydroxide. It can also be made with one of the vegetable oils that will form its basis, for example, with olive oil. You can also add citrus oils to it, which have a very pleasant aroma. Be sure to add alkali and water. In this case, water should be about 30% of the total volume of the product. An important component is overweight - it should be 5%. To prepare this tool, you need to beat it with a blender. After that, you will receive soap in the form of a clot. In order for it to become liquid, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

You can also make a very healthy Castilian soap. It will include about 700 g of olive oil, 100 g of coconut oil, a decoction of chamomile with a volume of about 300 ml, as well as 100 g of palm oil. You will also need sodium alkali, about 120 g. Such soap is prepared in a cold way, that is, all the components are mixed without heating. This product turns out to be very soft and gentle, it has a great effect on the skin and maintains its balance .   
Many housewives strive to make a dishwashing detergent at home, because everyone knows that purchased analogues contain a huge amount of harmful chemical additives that so harm the delicate skin of women's hands. To prepare a liquid home remedy, you need to take a standard piece of laundry soap, six tablespoons of glycerin, about a liter of hot water, a couple of tablespoons of vodka, as well as a few drops of your favorite flavor so that the product has a pleasant smell.

To prepare this liquid soap, it is necessary to grate the classic laundry soap on the finest grater, and then add it to 1/2 liter of hot water and leave it until dissolved. This mixture must be stirred, then the remaining half of the hot water can be added there. After all the pieces of laundry soap have completely dissolved, glycerin and vodka are added to this mixture, also do not forget to add a little flavor or essential oils with a pronounced odor, for example, sweet orange oil.   
All this must be thoroughly mixed and left until cooled. The cooled agent will thicken and will have a semi-liquid consistency. After that, it can be poured into a convenient bottle with a special dispenser. This soap foams perfectly and therefore is great for washing dishes, in addition, it does not have a harmful effect on the skin of your pens and does not disturb its water balance. This soap is absolutely harmless, it can be used constantly, in addition, it perfectly removes excess fat and scale from the dishes and perfectly cleans it.

If you have a large family, or you usually buy things in bulk, in order not to lack them, then you certainly know that liquid soap is a thing that is quickly consumed in the household, and it has to be bought in large quantities. For those who want to save money and prefer more natural and healthy products, we will tell you how to prepare 4 liters of liquid soap very quickly and cheaply. How do I do this?.